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    Lezing: Micaela Brembilla (Uppsala Universitet) - Mustio and his Gynaecia - pontifex of Soranus or just a very lucky guy?

    13:00Blandijn - zaal Camelot (3.30; 3de verdieping)

    Tijdens haar uitwisseling met onze afdeling in het voorjaar van 2024 zal doctoranda Micaela Brembilla van de Universiteit van Uppsala op 18 april een lezing geven voor de Ghent Centre of Late Antiquity (GCLA). Ze zal er spreken over de historische achtergrond en de manuscripttraditie van Mustio's Laatlatijnse vertaling van een Grieks werk over vrouwengeneeskunde (Gynaecia). 


    We do not have much information about Mustio, besides that he is the author of a Latin text of gynaecology called Gynaecia, an adaptation of the Γυναικεῖα of Soranus of Ephesus. Even about the text itself we have many questions, since we are not certain about either its structure, its language, or its relationship with the Greek model. What we do know, however, is that the Gynaecia, particularly some chapters, was read and used for centuries after its production, as a channel for past gynaecological knowledge through the Middle Ages to the present day.

    In this talk, I will introduce Mustio and the Gynaecia, and present what we think was their context of production, from an historical, geographical and theoretical point of view. We will then take a look at the fortunes of the text in the centuries that followed, trying to understand the reasons behind its popularity and transmission.

  • Do

    Lezing: Micaela Brembilla (Uppsala Universitet) - The new critical edition of Mustio's Gynaecia - prolegomena and problems

    13:00Blandijn - zaal Camelot (3.30; 3de verdieping)

    Tijdens haar uitwisseling met onze afdeling in het voorjaar van 2024 zal doctoranda Micaela Brembilla van de Universiteit van Uppsala op 25 april een lezing geven voor de DiaLing onderzoeksgroep. Ze zal er spreken over de talige kant van haar onderzoek naar Mustio's Laatlatijnse vertaling van een Grieks werk over vrouwengeneeskunde (Gynaecia). 


    The Gynaecia of Mustio, a medical treatise dated to the 6th century AD, counts only one critical edition to date; it has been published by Valentin Rose in 1882, the first scholar to have the possibility to read and study the three main witnesses of the manuscript tradition. This edition is clearly an essential starting point for the study of the text; however, the scholar edited a Latin that seems too classical for the time period and the genre of the Gynaecia, choosing, when needed, to follow the more recent and less vulgar of the manuscripts.

    In this talk, I would like to explain the reasons behind the necessity of a new critical edition; we will then try to delineate a panoramic of the new language of the Gynaecia - a later and more vulgar Latin - focusing on its special lexicon and, finally, on the main problems and questions still in need of further research.

  • Woe

    Scriptiemarkt Taal- en Letterkunde

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    Zomercursus Latijn 2024

    Campus Boekentoren - gebouw Blandijn (UGent)

    In 2024 organiseert de UGent voor de eerste keer een zomercursus Latijn. Je maakt er kennis met de gebouwen en gezichten verbonden aan de lessen Latijn binnen de opleiding 'Taal- en Letterkunde: twee talen'. Wie overweegt om enkele weken later te starten met de opleiding, kan proeven van de verschillende leerlijnen (taal, literatuur en cultuur) van de opleiding tijdens verkorte colleges op maat van generatiestudenten. Daarnaast krijg je de kans om je beheersing van het Latijn goed in te schatten en bij te spijkeren tijdens de theorielessen en oefeningensessies. Ook wie niet (meteen) de opleiding wil starten maar geboeid is door de Latijnse taal en literatuur is dus zeker welkom! Het programma ligt grotendeels vast, maar hou rekening met (beperkte) verschuivingen. Je kan je inschrijven via dit formulier. Bij vragen kan je een e-mail sturen naar Graag tot binnenkort!

    Flyer Zomercursus Latijn


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Event Information:

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    GIKS-lezing: Joseph Farrell (University of Pennsylvania) - "Reflections on Late Antiquity and Latin Literary History"

    17:30Blandijn, lokaal 160.015


    Replacing the concept of “Dark Ages” with “Late Antiquity” in the work of cultural historians was a huge step that has enabled an enormous amount of creative work on the period. Nevertheless, while now conceived in more positive and dynamic terms than before, in its parameters and even identity as a coherent episode in cultural history, Late Antiquity remains subject to debate. The terms of debate are often determined by the various disciplinary allegiances among the debaters. Students of material culture frequently view late antiquity differently from literary scholars, just as medievalists view it differently from classicists, Latinists from Hellenists, and so forth. This is not a bad thing, except when communication is frustrated overvaluing the basic assumptions and standards of inference that obtain in one field and to undervalue those of others.

    This paper will solve none of these problems, except by articulating what a classical and literary Latinist’s perspective on Late Antiquity might reasonably be. There is spectrum of possibilities, not equally applicable to all kinds of literary production, but easily distinguishable from ideas emanating from other disciplinary perspectives. The main points will be (1) to support the idea that Late Antiquity is a distinct period in the history of Latin literature (with some consideration of whether the same is true of Greek literature), and (2) to offer provisional commentary on the apparently heterogeneity of this literature in comparison to the apparent homogeneity of Classical Latin literature.

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